Wingmen Aviation

                                                                                                            "A mile of highway will take you one mile but a mile of runway will take you anywhere"

Pilot Services & Aircraft Management Services

Wingmen Aviation offers private and corporate pilot and travel concierge services to private and corporate aircraft owners seeking a private passenger like experience. Pilot services include complete travel coordination, aircraft care and management before, during & after flight travel.  Private flight passengers arrive as little as 10 minutes before flights and reach their destinations in often half the time or less as commercical airline passengers.


  • Wingmen Aviation’s friendly and experienced staff remains on 24/7 call to assist clients with travel, aviation and aircraft related needs
  • Our full-service pilots ensure that all of your day-to-day aircraft operations run smoothly and efficiently
  • Experienced Concierge Service provides assistance with all the extra luxuries of flying privately, including ground transportation arrangement, hotel accommodations, special events and gourmet catering

 Pilot Management & Training

  • Wingmen Aviation only employs experienced pilots who are current on continuing education specific to your aircraft and are current on physical exams with medical clearance  by the FAA. 
  • Our pilots prioritize safety during travel and are thoroughly trained to make sound predictions and decisions in regard to passengers & aircraft
  • Wingmen Aviation garuntees a friendly, professional, reliable, and experienced pilot staff who remains available to assist passengers through all aspects of travel

Aircraft Management Services

Utilized by the majority of our clients, our aircraft management services provide private & corporate plane owners  a hands off aircraft owning experience. Wingmen manages all aspects of plane ownership including:

  • Insurance
  • Maintenance
  • Repairs
  • Cleaning & Detailing Services (provided by Wingmen- no third party involvement)
  • Hanger Space Rental & Security

Wingmen Aviation is relationship business.  We thrive watching our clients grow their business and explore the joy of flying and aircraft ownership. We know people, we know planes and we know business.  If you're looking to grow your business and plans include traveling out of your immediate area, your plans should also include Wingmen Aviation.  Contact us today for a no obligation consultation on the benefits including private flight travel and aircraft management by our team into your business.  

Ferrying Services

Wingmen Aviation also provides aircraft transport is offered all over the  United States.  When you contract with Wingmen Aviation you can rest easy knowing that you are hiring a team who will care for your aircraft as their own. 

Wingmen Aviation proudly offers custom pilot, training, aircraft management and ferrying

services in the Southeastern U.S. Region

Owned and Operated by Allan Habetz, CFI

of Louisiana